Friday, August 1, 2008

Art is Magic

Ever since I was a child art has been been my magic. I quickly found through drawing that I could create parallel universes of extraordinary imagination. As I mature as an artist I still believe art is about magic. In my site specific installations and my painting I transverse into a voodoo priestess,a neolithic cave painter, or shamanika. This work I took after it was in my show Caol 'Ait (thin places). The show was well received as my audience perceptions were altered by a multi sensory experience. After being in show for a month, this piece was in my studio. One day as I entered my studio there was this amazing light that was streaming through the window, merging and dissolving into my mixed media lotus piece. Magic it is! Thats what art is the merging and the dissolving of the artist and their audience, through the vehicle of their pyschic and physical imprint called Art.
Luckily, i had my camera to witness it all. That ties into what i think photography is, it is the Witness that stands within the artist.

1 comment:

Traveler said...

Hello Lisa

if I can have your ...a few minutes

Not more than I felt shall I'll express
To express self to selves; I carry the only fear
Of failure, of conflict; Of the lack of divinity
In my eyes, in words; in my visible self

Holding on to 'mysticism', I landed on your land
To find the right themes burnt in bright games
Not surprised I am to find a wandering soul
Wrapped in blue, red,pink brushes; living in the green abode

Burning with a desire to wish you a hello
Believing in words to hear, some skins to tear
I beg you to share your light of a Being
Who seems to be on the path I tend to begin

Why I'll write to you,perhaps, is mysteriously unknown
Like when mirage turns for a thirsty to an ocean of love

Only if the social fabric and the unsure strings be broken or redefined, I'd be much more of myself.

I'm a 23 yr old bachelor graduated (engineering) from the premier institute of India. I'm earning now and I am thoughtful. I am a believer, a traveller who believes in a purposeful living. And thus, extraordinarily attracted, in a dress of desperation, to anything which seems to associate itself with Truth. Though the inner waves have not yet manifested to my exterior domain to the extent I would have liked, a certain chain of events are accelerating its burst.

Your blog (description, about me) had enough life to grant me the breath to explode myself here. Thank you :)

Not a way is what I see here
But the 'light of bright passion' painted in colours

Wishes and ya.. Happy Friendship Day :)


PS: Animism is a faith which yields a reason to live