Wednesday, July 30, 2008


It is really strange what has come up for me with artists, who are exploring their ID as a female, like Hazel Dooney and Heidi Forsell. Art is Moving, my amazing collaboration with Lauren just interviewed Heidi at her M.F.A. show and it was all about her personal female identity in art. It brings up a lot of questions for me.
I as an artist have investigated altered states, social phobia, the shadow, the transcendental, but never honed on the female Id in our society. Yes, I have evoked the Goddess and spit at the Patriarch, but on a personal level never thought about my female Id. Do I want to? Is it to personal....In my early twenties, it was so about the personal, Goth and more about me as archetypal tormented artist. If I were to focus on this single aspect of myself what would that look like??
I am not sure what this bringing up...But I have been having a lot of dreams about sewage and authority.
I have been reading off and on this amazing book that talks about the feminine ID within the context of history "Click Here" to check an interview with the author Riane Eisler of Sacred Pleasure.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Response to Hazel Dooney, Shock Artist

Ciao Hazel
At first your work is superficial, conceptual, as object female, SEX...and then I sense something subtle the Goddess.
let me know if I am wrong or right...As an artist I usually despise shock art... but yours is different , I see myself in it...artist, creator, Goddess, sexual, tantric being. "CLICK HERE" for Hazel Dooney's website.
Resposne from
Hazel Dooney said...
Thank your for your thoughts about my work. No, I don't regard myself as a "shock artist" – the term "shock pop" which is often used to describe my art is actually derived from a critical perspective of Japanese, anime-inspired art (Murakami, among others) which drew relationships between that and my art. My work was also recently included in a touring institutional show that drew analogies between pop and popular Japanese manga and anime.

My paintings and photographs are not about pandering to prurience or trying to confront petit bourgeois prejudices towards sexual subject matter. I am trying to provoke a reassessment of women's sexual identities as they are filtered through diverse media and comment on the way these can, at once, empower and debase. Whether self-empowerment and boldness are aspects of the 'Goddess', I will leave it to others to decide.

JULY 29, 2008 8:53 PM

Monday, July 28, 2008

The "S' word is at MOMA

I was at the MOMA last week... the Dali exhibition was amazing. In the main gallery I was fascinated and I had to take this image of the words written about Abstract Art. For me this signifies the "S" word is not a four letter word anymore in the institution called ART. I personally have gotten, much flack for speaking and creating in that realm, any else ?? I love that the institution is not condemning it anymore or denying it.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I had to post this... every time I see it I cry with joy and sadness. This is a beautiful relationship, it is our true connection to the natural world. Christian so reminds me of my childhood dog and mate Kelly, my childhood tree Willy. my cats Maya, Griffen, and Paulo. My cats Lukla and Odin who I had to painfully leave in Chicago after a breakup.

It is an amazing example of Love, that transcends all... my tears run deep... I think of all the humans that feel animals have no emotions or that they do not feel pain and can be killed, tortured, and exploited with no thought. This makes my heart bleed and cry. Also, I think of the chances of Christian surviving from poachers is 50/50. Humans are notorious for our disconnect. On a positive note it is a beautiful moment of communion.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The "Other"-who shares your name

Last weekend I had a very weird experience. I was waiting on a lady in the shoe store that I work at (weekend job). The place was closed and she was stressed and tried to make quick decisions. Her daughter was drawing and I commented on her beautiful use of colors. When she got to the register to pay, Raul my co-worker said you are paying for this? I said no and with curiosity looked at her name. Right before me was Lisa Rasmussen another Lisa Rasmussen. It was such a weird experience. Starring at someone who has you name... they are suddenly not a stranger. It is hard to explain.
Any of folks out there experienced this? Let me know your experience? it is trippy and kind of cosmic.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

I saw an amazing Dali show at the MOMA in NYC

To check out the Exhibition "Click Here"

His paintings were combined with his surreal films. It was a dramatic and beautiful exhibition. I love this dream sequence from the movie Spellbound below- by Hitchcock and Dali It was awesome I saw the exhibition in the morning and then in the evening at private reception...My favorite Dali piece is Narcissus. Above.

Check out my dream art from the early 2000's - I feel a total affinity with Dali's work
Title: Social Phobia

"Click Here"

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Philosophy -Earth Art

(this is my photo documentation of me experience in 2007 Pu Lao, Hawaii).
I do have to admit, I saw many folks actually running out to this site, pausing then running back. Just to check it off their list. hmm.. My commentary is completely subjective, all art is!

Is there a difference in experiencing ancient art to prehistoric and contemporary art? I think so..
Ever since I was child I had a wanderlust to see sacred sites around the world. I marveled in the archaeology and the anthropology of the ancients. In the Lourve in Paris I was totally immersed in the basement collections, the artifacts of distance cultures and honestly the 15th century portraitures bore me. I am interested in our roots. The roots of our creativity and what was the impulse for the first human spark of creativity to say here I am. Was it instinct? I love to imagine the first shamanic Neolithic painter, creating art on the walls of caves. What shifted as the artist left her mark on the cave wall for others to see? What was she communicating to the other?
I am not an expert. I have traveled extensively around the world to sacred sites such as Stonehenge, New Grange, Knowth, and the Hill of Tara, to the Pu loa, Machi Puchu to list a few.

Yes, I believe there is a different experience in viewing and have researched that ancient sites where built on energy vortexes. That sounds airy-fairy but actually scientifically proven. They are many books about it.
If you are present your will feel a shift with in your being when entering a sacred site. I have only experienced a few contemporary artworks that actually move me to the core.

I think that Contemporary art does not have the same experience, because it is seen as just and an aesthetic or concept. The audience does not really participate in it. Where sacred sites have the residue of ritual and magic, of a spiritual encounter. There are layers of experience and a residue of an event. For the Contemporary artist to accomplish this they have to activate their own form of ritual and hope that some gets it. I am open though...I do know that part of the Earth Art movement in the 70's was holistically based. Hopefully the new Eco art movement will point us to our roots. This is my ideal.. I am proclaiming.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Photography- water obsession

This is a view down the Devils Throat at the Uguazu Falls in Argentina, What a mystical experience

This is taken out a plane window coming back from Brazil

This was taken on the Argentina's side of Uguazu Falls-Truly one of the wonders of the natural world

These Photos are for sale as original Giclee limited prints of 33. Please inquire if interested.